Think there are no jobs out there? Think again! Why is every job board packed with companies looking for qualified resources?
If you haven’t found a job yet, change your approach and get help from our professional Career Placement team!
We have placed hundreds of students in great paying jobs and careers. We can do the same for you!
Career Placement Program Outline
We tell you to post your resume on Career Builder! Just kidding…lol. Some schools will actually do this!
- All CTIChicago students are automatically enrolled in the ‘CTIChicago Placement Program’
- Professional resume revision upon enrollment
- Regular resume updates as you reach milestones, including completing your classes and obtaining certifications
- Monthly emails with customized career and job leads
- Customized Career Placement after you obtain your certification
- Regular Resume, Interview and LinkedIn Workshops
- Lifetime Alumni Job Placement! That’s right! Enroll in our program and we will assist you with job placement until you retire!
Reality Check
- Why are you still unemployed?
- Are your skills current & sharp?
- What separates you from every other Joe Smo?
- Employment is also about relationships!
- We have established relationships with employers!
GET IN THE LOOP! 312.888.9156